Environment Environment


We aim to construct an eco-friendly structure
that operates in a virtuous cycle to give back to nature.

Health and Safety
Management Policy

  • 01
    Executive officers must protect the workers' lives by creating a safe working environment as the top priority of corporate management activities.
  • 02
    Representative management should establish an occupational health and safety management system and provide sufficient human and physical resources to eliminate and control risk factors in the workplace.
  • 03
    We should set health and safety goals and establish detailed action plans to achieve them for implementation.
  • 04
    We should establish internal regulations to observe the health and safety-related legislation and rules for full implementation.
  • 05
    We should identify the risk factors with the worker's participation, fix the identified factors, and share them through education.
  • 06
    We should ensure that all employees understand the risk factors related to their duties and train them on the techniques to eliminate, replace, and control these risk factors.
  • 07
    We ensure all suppliers and contractors observe Hankuk Carbon's health and safety policy and requirements.
  • 08
    All employees should fully observe their responsibilities and duties in health and safety activities.

Establishment of Robust and Secure Governance System with Social Responsibility

Mid to Long-term Roadmap for Occupational Health & Safety Management
Mid to Long-term Roadmap for Occupational Health & Safety Management Mid to Long-term Roadmap for Occupational Health & Safety Management